Published December 22, 2022

Skottie Young Heralds the End of 'Strange Academy'

Ahead of his last issue, 'Strange Academy: Finals' writer Skottie Young teased the end of the story, as well as the characters' future in the Marvel Universe.

The end is nigh for Strange Academy. Ever since STRANGE ACADEMY: FINALS returned in October, the school's student body has remained divided, with Emily Bright and her outcasts taking up residence in the Dark Dimension while Doyle Dormammu and the rest hold down the fort back in New Orleans. With the series drawing closer to its final issue, those two factions are on a collision course—and all of Strange Academy may just pay the price.

Speaking to, STRANGE ACADEMY: FINALS writer Skottie Young teased the end of the 24-issue story he created with artist Humberto Ramos, as well as the future of these characters within the Marvel Universe. He shared his love of writing Doyle, as well as his hopes that readers walk away "with something that made them feel." He also promised a massive, eyeball-melting battle, a cool new origin, and much more.

STRANGE ACADEMY: FINALS #6 cover by Humberto Ramos
STRANGE ACADEMY: FINALS #6 cover by Humberto Ramos

MARVEL.COM: What made now the right time to end the Strange Academy story?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: We made it to the end. We planned this as a 24-issue story with a very specific set of goals in mind and we’ve made it!

MARVEL.COM: STRANGE ACADEMY has hinged on a prophecy that just started coming true, but in the Marvel Universe, we know the future is always changing (see also: STRANGE ACADEMY #14!). Is there still more to learn about it as the series wraps up? How set in stone is it?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: If Humberto and I do our jobs correctly, then readers should be learning new things with every issue. No matter how big or small, plot points or character growth, we hope everyone walks away with something that made them feel.

MARVEL.COM: Doyle has really grappled with his legacy as the son of Dormammu since the series began. How will that continue to evolve in these final issues, especially now that he is feeling freed from the dark tidings of that prophecy?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: Well, I’ll give my favorite answer… you’ll have to read and find out. There’s less than a handful of issues left and it’s much for fun to find out as you follow the story while soaking in Humberto’s amazing art.

MARVEL.COM: Would you consider Emily and the other dropouts a lost cause? What, in your eyes, makes them worth saving at this point in the story?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: That’s an interesting question. I have to write Emily’s story from Emily’s POV so I don’t know if she needs to be saved – at least, not from her perspective. But then again…you’ll have to read and find out.

MARVEL.COM: Since the beginning of STRANGE ACADEMY, we've known that Doctor Voodoo and the other teachers paid a major price to open the school. Just how surprised do you think (or hope) readers will be when they find out what it was?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: We’ve not really held that back too much. The readers know that the Hoggoth has given a lot of his power to help fuel the magic that runs this school. Hopefully, he can survive long enough to power what needs to happen as well close out this story.

MARVEL.COM: Tell me a little about your collaborators on this series. What did they bring to the book that shocked or delighted you?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: Humberto Ramos is one of my closest friends and it’s been such an honor to create this book with him. It’s not often that you get to pitch a brand new book, bring on one of your art heroes, and then create over a dozen brand new characters at Marvel, all while playing with some of the best magic characters at the House of Ideas!

And we couldn’t have done it without our editor, Nick Lowe. Always there for encouragement and helping us to build the tapestry of teen magic and drama!

MARVEL.COM: What are you most excited for readers to see in the remaining issues of STRANGE ACADEMY: FINALS?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: We have a cool origin to reveal, an awesome new costume to show off, and of course, a MASSIVE BATTLE that will melt all eyeballs.

MARVEL.COM: Which character did you fall in love with right away, and which one really grew on you as the series continued?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: Doyle, for sure. I loved finding him and the twists and turns he’s taken. I didn’t think he would be who I’d focus on so much, but he just kept stepping up to the front of the line.

MARVEL.COM: What do you hope readers take away from your time on STRANGE ACADEMY?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: That comics can be fun, emotional, magical, and filled with action and teen romance at the same time. I hope they just remember our love for these characters we gave life to and follow them along to new adventures with whoever is lucky enough to add to their stories.

MARVEL.COM: What are the odds we might see these characters again in the Marvel Universe, whether by this creative team or a new one?

SKOTTIE YOUNG: Oh, very high. They’re already popping up in other books. I think you’ll be seeing the students mixing it up with the rest of the Marvel Universe for years to come.

Don't miss STRANGE ACADEMY: FINALS (2022) #3, the thrilling next chapter in the Strange Academy story, on sale December 28!

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