Marvel Contest of Champions v37.2 Release Notes Introduce the Masters of Evil
The Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo and Absorbing Man) enter the Contest! Find out what sinister plans they have in the new Overture of Evil Champion Reveal trailer!
Something evil this way comes...and Marvel Contest of Champions is where it all goes down! Read on for the latest v37.2 Release Notes to see what lies ahead for 2023!
Baron Zemo and Absorbing Man arrive in Haasenstadt only to be met by an old foe. See how these Masters of Evil fare in the new Champion Reveal Trailer!
Overture of Evil
The Collector calls on Aegon, Hyperion, and Howard the Duck to investigate a break-in with sinister implications. Alongside the Summoner, these heroes will uncover the arrival of the Masters of Evil—Baron Zemo and Absorbing Man!
The Masters of Evil enter the Contest
Carl "Crusher" Creel was an American professional Heavyweight boxer turned enforcer. While locked up in prison he was mutated using Asgardian magic by the trickster god Loki using a special potion. Creel then obtained the ability to absorb the properties of anything he touches and used his new-found power to break free from prison and soon became a villain for hire. He was later recruited into the Masters of Evil by Baron Zemo.
Baron Helmut Zemo, 13th in the esteemed Zemo lineage, has walked the path of evil ever since his father, Heinrich, died fighting his nemesis, Captain America. Consumed by a need for revenge and control, Baron Zemo reformed his father’s Masters of Evil in an attempt to take down the Avengers. He later founded the Thunderbolts, villains masquerading as heroes, in another ploy for world domination. Ingenious, resourceful, and above all, patient, Zemo knows his ultimate victory is only a matter of time.
These two Champs will have a special release schedule! Watch for Absorbing Man’s Arenas and Crystals starting on Jan 19, 2023 and Baron Zemo’s starting on Jan 26, 2023.
Mojo’s Choice
Mojo is running his own “Mojo’s Choice” event this year, and the Summoner can help by being his flunky! Challenge the “best” the Contest has to offer to inform your voting choices. Mojo will graciously allow you to fight the loser of his choice each week.
Eternity of Pain - Acceptance
Pain is eternal, and soon a special set of permanent challenges will be made available to those who have become a Thronebreaker and higher! This quest is the culmination of your grief and ACCEPTANCE, where you will be tasked with dealing with all 16 of the previous Eternity of Pain fights spread out over 2 paths, with Nameless Thanos as your final opponent! This quest will be accompanied by Carina’s Challenges Volume 3, a special set of Solo Objectives that will further increase the pain and difficulty. Coming January 18th!
Grandmaster’s Gauntlet
The Grandmaster’s Gauntlet returns to challenge you on January 11th! This time you will need keys to get the greatest of rewards! Players will be awarded keys based on how many times they have previously completed the hardest path of the Gauntlet, so that no one is left out if they missed it before. Keys will also be added to the end of Act 6, so that even future players can experience the full difficulty of the Gauntlet for themselves.
Champion Updates
Iron Man (Infinity War) and Wiccan have been updated! Check out their Champion Spotlights for more Information.
New Relics Discovered!
Iron Fist, Valkyrie, and Captain America (WWII) Battlecasts have been discovered in The Battlerealm. Find out more at
A New Fight Stage!
Welcome to Haassenstadt! The castle of the cruel Queen Haasen, ruler of Languria and wielder of the Fleur Du Mal is the latest stage for you to take on your foes! Get your first look at the new Fight Stage in the Eternity of Pain: Acceptance, this month!
Summoner’s Choice Returns
It’s time once again to vote for a New Champion to join The Contest! Keep an eye on our Social Channels for more information on your choices, and remember to vote in-game later this month!
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