Possibly Deidre WentworthSuperia



A Salute to Seven Marvel Mistresses of Evil

It’s good to be bad!

fighting skills



Superia was a scientific genius who followed a path of ultra-feminism. Many of the foundations for her point of view came about after she constructed a time-probe and sent it into the 23rd century, where it obtained a history book. From the book, Superia learned of the future of Femizonia, a powerful nation state ruled by the women of that future, and of how the men of that era were treated as inferiors. Her research indicated that she was the ancestor of Thundra, the Femizons' most famous warrior and ruler. Although the Femizons' world was an alternate future (the dimension of Earth-715), Superia became determined to bring about the nation of Femizonia within her lifetime.

Superia first came to the world's attention when she sponsored a pleasure cruise for female super-criminals which would transport them to the island of Femizonia. Superia called the women who arrived her Femizons, and intended to launch missiles from Femizonia which would infect the Earth with a biological weapon designed to sterilize all females. Surrounded by the island's protective dome, Superia and her followers would be unaffected, thereby granting them a powerful bargaining position over the rest of the planet-- Superia planned to force nations to submit to her, or face extinction; however, Captain America had tracked the cruise ship as he pursued his girlfriend Diamondback, and the mercenary Paladin accompanied him. Captain America was unable to prevent the missiles from launching, but he tricked Superia into fighting him near the dome so that it would be damaged, forcing her to destroy the missiles herself. After this, Superia operated with a smaller team of Femizons used mainly as bodyguards. She journeyed to A.I.M. Island (Boca Caliente) during one of A.I.M.'s weapon expos and attempted to kill their CEO Alessandro Brannex and claim their resources for herself, but Brannex proved to be the Super-Adaptoid, and ordered her death. However, Captain America was on A.I.M. Island, helping Diamondback track Snapdragon, who had nearly drowned Diamondback during the Femizons' cruise. Captain America mistook Superia for Diamondback, and wound up saving her from MODAM. Superia demonstrated no gratitude to her opponent. During these events, a vengeful Diamondback drowned Snapdragon.

Posing as university professor Deidre Wentworth at Hayden College, Superia selected the bookworm-like student Cathy Webster as the recipient of a process that enhanced her physical prowess. Cathy became the patriotic heroine Free Spirit, but when she found that Superia's treatment included an irrational hatred of men, she turned on her. Free Spirit tracked Superia to Castle Zemo in Malpaso, Mexico, where Superia was conferring with Baroness (Heike Zemo). Captain America and Diamondback had also pursued Zemo, and when Superia learned that Captain America was dying from the degeneration of his super-soldier serum, she offered to develop a cure if Diamondback would complete Snapdragon's unfinished contract. Diamondback agreed, and became the new Snapdragon. Superia and Snapdragon invaded A.I.M. Island as the Super-Adaptoid attempted to create a new Cosmic Cube there, attracting attention from the Avengers. Superia encountered a paralyzed Captain America and offered him a sample of her cure. Captain America refused, and the cure was claimed by the Red Skull, who was suffering from the same degenerative effects, and he apparently killed Superia to prevent her from developing more samples.




180 lbs.





Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives
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  • Other Aliases

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- Marvel Editorial Staff