Thunderbolts: Uncaged Omnibus (Hardcover)
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Thunderbolts: Uncaged Omnibus (Hardcover)

Thunderbolts: Uncaged Omnibus (Hardcover)

  • Published

    December 06, 2023

Collects Thunderbolts (1997) #144-174, 163.1; Dark Avengers (2012) #175-190; Avengers Academy (2010) #3-4; material from Enter the Heroic Age (2010) #1. A new era for Marvel's ever-evolving, always-controversial team! The most dangerous criminals on Earth are now all in one hellish prison, and the only way out is through rehabilitation and contribution to society via the Thunderbolts program - under the leadership of the steel-hard-skinned Avenger named Luke Cage! So bring on the first participants: Juggernaut! Crossbones! Ghost! Moonstone! And…Man-Thing?! Can Cage restore the Thunderbolts' tarnished heroic potential? And when new recruits are called, who out of the Marvel Universe's vast pool of powerhouse criminals will make the cut? Then, when the T-bolts end up lost in time, a new group steps in to replace them: the Dark Avengers! You can be sure that the two troubled teams are on a collision course!

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