New Warriors Omnibus (Hardcover)
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New Warriors Omnibus (Hardcover)

New Warriors Omnibus (Hardcover)

  • Published

    May 15, 2013

Young, idealistic heroes Marvel Boy, Firestar, Nova, Namorita, Speedball and the mysterious Night Thrasher join forces as the New Warriors - determined to make a difference and fight the kinds of crime other heroes won't touch! But as the naà¯ve Warriors dig deeper into a world of grey areas and moral compromises, can they maintain their youthful ideals? And with foes like Terrax, the Juggernaut, Psionex, the Punisher, the Sphinx and more - along with a shocking threat from within - can they even stay alive? Guest-starring Thor, X-Force, the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and more! Collecting NEW WARRIORS (1990) #1-26 and ANNUAL #1-2; AVENGERS (1963) #341-342; and material from THOR (1966) #411-412, NEW MUTANTS ANNUAL #7, X-MEN ANNUAL (1970) #15, X-FACTOR ANNUAL #6, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL (1964) #26, SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #12 and WEB OF SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #8.

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