Avengers Assemble Vol. 4 (Hardcover)
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Avengers Assemble Vol. 4 (Hardcover)

Avengers Assemble Vol. 4 (Hardcover)

  • Published

    January 17, 2007

The Avengers embark on international adventure against a nation-sized knight and a city of Hulks! Then, it's off to small-town Centerville to face Salem's Seven and the Sons of the Serpent! Plus: A major Marvel crossover! Avengers in space, and inquiries answered by the man who knows Earth's Mightiest Heroes best! Collecting AVENGERS #35-40 and ANNUAL 2000-2001, AVENGERS: THE ULTRON IMPERATIVE, and MAXIMUM SECURITY #1-3 and DANGEROUS PLANET.
416 PGS./Rated T+ ...$34.99

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