Galactus the Devourer (1999) #1
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Galactus the Devourer (1999) #1

Galactus the Devourer (1999) #1

  • Published

    September 01, 1999

Reunited with his paramour, everything is going fine for the Silver Surfer, until the new herald known as Red Shift arrives! The warning has arrived and all must fear his dark arrival! Galactus, the Devourer Of Worlds, is headed towards Earth... and we're on his menu! This intense exploration of the dreaded destroyer of planets blows the lid off the major cosmic questions of the Marvel Universe, such as: What is the secret reason for the existence of Galactus (that was hinted at in FANTASTIC FOUR #262)? Why did Galactus choose a Herald? More specifically, why did he choose Norrin Radd and change him into the Silver Surfer? Why was it vital that the Surfer defied and broke away from his master? Why has everything that has ever happened to the Surfer led to this adventure? And what is the Surfer's ultimate purpose?

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:40


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