The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #21

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #21

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #21

  • Published

    June 14, 2017

Squirrel Girl, Nancy, and Mary go to the Negative Zone for the weekend! So Koi Boi, Chipmunk Hunk, and Brain Drain PROMISE to fight any crimes that pop up so that the city will be just as Squirrel Girl left it when she returns! This would be a very short and uneventful issue, except for these facts: A crime wave begins the second Squirrel Girl leaves. Koi Boi and Chipmunk Hunk are powerless to stop it so things get real bad real quick. And Brain Drain is a nihilist brain in a jar on a robot body which means he's KINDA a pain to be around sometimes? This special stand-alone issue features friendship, fights, and friendship fights! PLUS other things too, but you'll have to buy the issue to find out, because this is just the solicit text and we don't want to spoil everything. Honestly, you probably shouldn't even be reading these solicits unless you own a comic-book store because they are chock FULL of spoilers!!

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  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960608340402111
  • FOC Date:May 22, 2017
  • Price:$3.99
  • Page Count:24

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