Marvel Animation’s new action-adventure series 'Eyes of Wakanda' follows the adventures of brave Wakandan warriors throughout history. In this globe-trotting adventure, the heroes must carry-out dangerous missions to retrieve Vibranium artifacts from the enemies of Wakanda. They are the Hatut Zaraze and this is their story.
Executive Producers
Ryan Coogler, Brad Winderbaum, Kevin Feige, Louis D’Esposito, Zinzi Coogler, Sev Ohanian, Kalia King, Todd Harris, Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt
Winnie Harlow, Cress Williams, Patricia Belcher, Larry Herron, Adam Gold, Lynn Whitfield, Jacques Colimon, Jona Xiao, Isaac Robinson-Smith, Gary Anthony Williams, Zeke Alton, Steve Toussaint, Anika Noni Rose
Release Date
August 6, 2025