Marvel's Hero Project reveals the remarkable, positive change several young, real life heroes are making in their own communities. These inspiring, driven and engaging kids have dedicated their lives to selfless acts of bravery and kindness. These young heroes are finding creative solutions to tackle big issues such as protecting our environment, ending hunger, championing inclusivity, and many more. Now, Marvel celebrates them as the true Super Heroes they are by welcoming them into Marvel's Hero Project.


Playing Football in the Marvel Universe

Flip through Marvel history as heroes like Spider-Man, Deadpool, and more pass the pigskin!

Culture & Lifestyle

A 'Marvel's Hero Project' Fan Started Her Own Campaign to Get Kids the Technology They Need for School

Lucy Jackson wants her fellow students to get the tools needed to learn from home!

TV Shows

Read All 20 Free 'Marvel's Hero Project' Comics on Marvel Unlimited

See the young heroes making a difference in the world -- and their Marvel comic origin stories!