Published November 1, 2021

The Eternals: Where Are They Now?

Read the first story arc from the Eternals’ current run on Marvel Unlimited!

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“Never Die. Never Win.” That is the Eternals’ way. The everlasting god-beings have experienced a lot so far in ETERNALS (2021), their current, ongoing series by Kieron Gillen and Esad Ribić that you can read now on Marvel Unlimited. Double-crossing, a dying planet, dealing with Thanos, and so much more—a new vision of the classic Marvel mythos is here. For millennia, one hundred Eternals have roamed the Earth, secret protectors of humanity. Without them, humans would be smears between the teeth of the demon-like Deviants. But today, the Eternals face something new—change. One of their own has been murdered by a fellow Eternal, and this may not be the last such killing...

Don’t miss out on the series’ thrilling first story arc, “Only Death Is Eternal,” in ETERNALS (2021) #1-6! To help get you prepped, we’ve recapped what Marvel’s perfectly dysfunctional immortals have been up to in their present run.


ETERNALS (2021) #6: Seeking aid from the Deviants.
ETERNALS (2021) #6

The last of the Eternals to be resurrected, Ikaris is more than ready to fight, especially if your name is Thanos. He sacrifices himself to basically reset the Earth, which works, but his rebirth cost Toby, the boy he was trying to protect, his life. Hurt by Toby’s demise and the secret of the Eternals’ immortality, he (along with Kingo, Thena, Sersi, Sprite, and Phastos) goes to Lemuria, the capital city of the Deviants. There, he asks the Deviants to help his people “be the changing people too.”


ETERNALS (2021) #6: Sersi coats Thanos in a deadly fungus.

She portrays herself as the best Eternal throughout these six issues, and to be honest, it almost works. Former Avenger Sersi is close to ending Thanos with fungal plasma, an idea she gets from She-Hulk, but is unable to finish the job due to interference from Phastos. After the end of the world is staved off, it is revealed that she was aware of what happens when an Eternal is resurrected and didn’t say a word to the others beforehand. She decides to travel to Lemuria to join the Deviants, which is ironic when you know her feelings about them.


Thena faces questioning about her father.

Thena, the daughter of Zuras, is so done with the Eternals that she is found with a lover in Lemuria (issue #3). But when duty calls, she acquiesces. Thena is part of the Thanos beatdown and refocuses Phastos to bring Ikaris back to life after failing to remember how to kill Thanos. Additionally, she is the one to point out that Sersi knew about the secret behind their immortality and is saddened when she hears that little to nothing will be done to change it because it is “the way of the Eternals.” So, she returns to Lemuria.


Sprite acts as Toby’s guardian.

Due to past actions, Sprite is on very shaky ground with the other Eternals. However, she is given some grace by being tasked as the alternate protector of Toby in issue #4, and it doesn’t hurt that she gets to eat Thai food while doing it. She saves Toby from being struck by lightning during the destruction of the world, but unfortunately, Sprite’s effort will be for naught (but not her fault). She relays Toby’s death to Ikaris and later joins the Deviants.


Zuras has been murdered by an Eternal!

It’s a bit of an awkward situation with Zuras because, well, he’s dead during the first five issues. He is the catalyst of this story, and in turn, his death reveals that the Earth faces destruction from a geostorm. After Ikaris’ sacrifice, Zuras is finally resurrected. Due to being out of commission, he must be re-selected by the Uni-Mind as the Prime Eternal, AKA the leader, and orders the Eternals to return to their home base on Olympia.


Thanos menaces Ikaris.

The unhinged Titan has been on a rampage from ETERNALS #1 and onward. He holds his own against some of the Eternals in battle, until Sersi begins to cover him in deadly mushrooms. Thanos is last seen “Trapped in a Loop in the Infra-Circuitry of the Machine that is Earth,” or “the Loop” for short. Knowing him, he likely won’t be there much longer.


Kingo versus Thanos!

Kingo lightens the mood by cracking jokes during the Eternals’ search for the traitor among them, but he isn’t laughing when he finds out that the traitor is Phastos. He orders Phastos to kill Thanos, but he is unable to do so due to a lapse in memory. Like the other Eternals, Kingo is absolutely shocked when he discovers from Phastos the secret of their immortality. He is also one of the six Eternals to leave for Lemuria.


Phastos declares Zuras' death.

Because of his pacifism, Phastos is not considered a suspect by the other Eternals, which makes it more shocking when they find out that he is indeed the traitor. He desperately works in the Reality Loom to fix the Machine and has no idea that he was mind-hacked by Druig. Once the Machine reboots, he tells the others that he learned the resurrection of an Eternal results in the death of a human, and therefore, set in motion the plan to kill the Eternals via Thanos (yet forgot to calculate that Thanos could cause the end the world!). He journeys to Lemuria with the other Eternals.


Druig attempts to strike a deal with Thanos.

Druig has a “think first before you act” mentality, which comes in handy as the Earth/Machine is falling apart. He uses this moment to sneak into the Reality Loom and wipe the instructions on “how to kill Thanos” from Phastos’ mind. Once a snake, always a snake.

Interested in reading the “Only Death Is Eternal” arc? Read issues #1-6 of ETERNALS (2021) on Marvel Unlimited today, with subsequent issues hitting each month!


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