The History of the Black Panther: 2017
As we wrap up our look at T'Challa's past, the Panther teams with the Crew, the Ultimates, and more.

For more than 50 years, the Black Panther has stood at the forefront on the Marvel Universe. With T’Challa appearing on the big screen again this year in both Marvel Studios’ “Black Panther”and “Avengers: Infinity War,” take a look back at over five decades worth of comic book adventures for the King of Wakanda!
We’re wrapping up our look at Black Panther’s impressive history with this final installment, focused on 2017. So let’s jump into the notable events that occurred for T’Challa last year!
The Black Panther arrived in New York in BLACK PANTHER AND THE CREW #3 to address the death of activist Ezra Keith, a man who’d tried to contact him previously. In his temporary secret identity as “Luke Charles,” T’Challa joined with his former queen Storm to begin the investigation.
Luke Cage, something of a student of Keith’s, entered the picture in BLACK PANTHER AND THE CREW #4 to get answers to his questions, and the teleporter Manifold also offered his help in BLACK PANTHER AND THE CREW #5. T’Challa and his new associates clashed with the real culprits behind everything. Hydra, in BLACK PANTHER AND THE CREW #6.
The Panther allied himself with heroes Blue Marvel, Ms. America, Spectrum, and Captain Marvel in ULTIMATES 2 #1 to investigate strange events on the edge of the universe. In ULTIMATES 2 #2 the team ran up against the ghost of the Shaper of Worlds, Master Order, and Lord Chaos, who subsequently merged with the In-Betweener to create a new being called Logos in ULTIMATES 2 #3.
The dreaded devourer of worlds took notice of Black Panther and his team’s activities in ULTIMATES 2 #4 and on Earth, government agent Philip Vogt and his Troubleshooters began to suspect the Ultimates of shadowy operations in ULTIMATES 2 #5. Out in space, T’Challa’s compatriots discovered the Cosmic Jailer and the origins of the cosmos in ULTIMATES 2 #6.
Back in Wakanda, the Panther and Manifold crossed the threshold of death itself to contact T’Challa’s late sister Shuri in BLACK PANTHER #8. Shuri returned to the land of the living after a learning sojourn in the hereafter in BLACK PANTHER #9, and exhibited her new powers in BLACK PANTHER #10 while her brother confronted the firebrand Changamire about a rebellion brewing in Wakanda.
T’Challa, Shuri, Manifold, and Wakandan security forces clashed with the leaders of the rebellion, Tetu and Zenzi, in BLACK PANTHER #11, and when the dust cleared after the battle, Wakanda became a republic to encompass all its people and their respective areas of the country. In BLACK PANTHER #12, the Panther sought the cooperation of the Midnight Angels, who’d previously opposed him.
The Wakandan gods seemed to no longer exist in BLACK PANTHER #13, allowing weird creatures to enter the land through mystical chaos and attack citizens. Meanwhile, a new criminal alliance between Dr. Faustus, Zenzi, Zeke Stane, and the Fenris twins sowed chaos for T’Challa in BLACK PANTHER #14, forcing the Panther to seek wisdom from his departed ancestors.
In BLACK PANTHER #15, Storm arrived in Wakanda at her ex-husband’s request, while at the same time the so-called Originators, the original Wakandan non-human denizens, returned to the land. The Black Panther invaded the exclusive Super Villain Fenris Club in BLACK PANTHER #16 to confront the criminal scientist Thunderball with the error of his wicked ways.
Storm helped turn the tide of trouble in Wakanda in BLACK PANTHER #17, but the appearance of instigator Ras the Exhorter and a new deity caused further chaos. T’Challa convinced the Midnight Angels of the depth of his need for aid in BLACK PANTHER #18, and the Panther’s old foe Klaw made his presence known again in BLACK PANTHER #166, as the series claimed its legacy issue numbering.
Thanks for joining us for the History of Black Panther! Missed any installments? You can find them all at the links below!
The History of the Black Panther: 1966-1968
The History of the Black Panther: 1969-1970
The History of the Black Panther: 1971-1972
The History of the Black Panther: 1973-1974
The History of the Black Panther: 1975-1976
The History of the Black Panther: 1977-1978
The History of the Black Panther: 1979-1980
The History of the Black Panther: 1981-1982
The History of the Black Panther: 1983-1988
The History of the Black Panther: 1989-1990
The History of the Black Panther: 1991-1992
The History of the Black Panther: 1993-1994
The History of the Black Panther: 1995-1996
The History of the Black Panther: 1997-1998
The History of the Black Panther: 1999-2000
The History of the Black Panther: 2001-2002
The History of the Black Panther: 2003-2004
The History of the Black Panther: 2005-2006
The History of the Black Panther: 2007-2008
The History of the Black Panther: 2009-2010
The History of the Black Panther: 2011-2012
The History of the Black Panther: 2013-2014
The History of the Black Panther: 2015-2016
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