Kate Bishop utilizes her notable combat abilties to fight the good fight, whether as a Young Avenger, alongside mentor Clint Barton, or on her own.
Like Clint Barton with whom she shares a moniker, the strong-willed Kate Bishop is a masterful archer who uses her excellent marksmanship to fight against evil.
From a Young Avenger to the avenging Hawkeye, Kate Bishop has skyrocketed as a super hero, carving out her own legacy alongside Marvel’s greats. Want more Kate Bishop and her archery as art form? Pick up her latest series Hawkeye, on-shelves now!
Kate Bishop is inspired to take on the moniker Hawkeye after the purported death of her hero, Clint Barton, an Avenger who she held in high-regard in particular for his lack of super powers.
“I have no powers and not nearly enough training, but I'm doing this anyway.”
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