Singularity is a sentient pocket universe who learns how to be heroic from team A-Force and save those in need. She battles alongside the team against cosmic entities, Sentinels and zombies.
She Fell From the Sky
Following the collapse of the Multiverse, the silent being later called Singularity fell from the sky to Victor von Doom, AKA Doctor Doom’s reality mosaic Battleworld, landing on the island-domain of Arcadia, her body apparently composed of space itself. She is found by sorceress Nico Minoru and the two quickly become friends. The child-like girl enjoys having a ribbon tied in her hair and is fascinated by Minoru’s cat, whose collar she wears as a bracelet.
Nico’s A-Force teammates suspect the girl is somehow connected to recent unexplained portal activity, which later allows a robot Sentinel to attack Arcadia; the girl assists A-Force in fighting it and later throws Arcadia’s Baroness Jennifer Walters, AKA She-Hulk, into a portal to discern the source of the attacks.
Starry Pocket Universe
Allegedly a sentient quantum singularity, Singularity can teleport dozens of people vast distances, travel through time and space, fly, cross dimensional barriers, and use osmosis to absorb objects or people into her form, within which a pocket universe apparently exists. She can expand into an energy field several yards wide to shield herself and others, and alter her humanoid appearance at least to the extent of reshaping her facial features.
With enhanced speed and durability, Singularity also possesses amplified psionic senses, enabling her to track others across vast distances.
Antagonistic Adversaries
The first enemies Singularity encounters are on Battleworld’s Island of Arcadia. The enemies ranging from a Sentinel to zombies access Arcadia through portals, which are thought to be caused by Singularity at first. Soon A-Force discovers a traitor in their midst and the scheming Loki Laufeyson, AKA Loki, is of course to blame.
Singularity also finds herself quantum entangled with Antimatter, a cosmic being with similar powers albeit the antithesis of them. It follows her around the universe and on Earth so she recruits the A-Force to help her defeat it.
A Force To Be a Part Of
Singularity first joins A-Force, the protectors of Arcadia on Battleworld, and learns a great deal from their squad about life, love and fighting for good. She allies with their members, Nico Minoru, She-Hulk, Alison Blaire, AKA Dazzler, Carol Danvers, AKA Captain Marvel, and Queen Medusalith Boltagon, AKA Medusa, and saves them from various attacks against Arcadia. Singularity later reunites them against an enemy, even though they don’t remember her due to the restoration of the Prime Reality.