Spider-Man: Brand New Day Vol. 1 (Trade Paperback)
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Spider-Man: Brand New Day Vol. 1 (Trade Paperback)

Spider-Man: Brand New Day Vol. 1 (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    October 15, 2008

"In...BRAND NEW DAY, Peter Parker returns to his roots..." - USA Today
"(BRAND NEW DAY) is a very creative idea. It should stimulate a lot of interest in the characters and the books, and I'm eager to see what happens next." - Stan Lee
The old Parker Luck is back! Desperately trying to scrouge up cash to pay the rent and keep his web-spinners recharged, Peter's misfortunes are compounded by the wreckless antics of Overdrive, the nihilistic villainy of Mister Negative and the ominous threat of the high-flying Menace. And just who is the newest super hero in town - the stunning, red-haired Jackpot? The new Spidey Braintrust of writers - Dan Slott (SHE-HULK), Marc Guggenheim (WOLVERINE), Bob Gale (the Back to the Future trilogy) and Zeb Wells (PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN) - has loaded up BRAND NEW DAY with all the charm and freewheeling fun of classic Spider-Man, but with a fresh new take on super-hero action and drama. Brought to visual life by a bevy of today's most peerless pencilers - like Steve McNiven (CIVIL WAR), Salvador Larroca (UNCANNY X-MEN) and Phil Jimenez (Infinite Crisis) - the stories of BRAND NEW DAY are restoring AMAZING SPIDER-MAN to a level of consistency and playfulness that can't help but remind readers of the reason they fell in love with the'ol Webhead in the first place! Collecting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #546-551, SPIDER-MAN: SWING SHIFT and material from VENOM SUPER SPECIAL #1.
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  • Rating:A
  • Format:Trade Paperback
  • UPC:5960612845-00111
  • FOC Date:September 11, 2008


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