Secret Avengers Vol. 2: Iliad (Trade Paperback)
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Secret Avengers Vol. 2: Iliad (Trade Paperback)

Secret Avengers Vol. 2: Iliad (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    February 26, 2014

INFINITY tie-in! S.H.I.E.L.D. takes the fight to AIM's door with deadly repercussions, and the Secret Avengers find themselves outgunned and trapped in enemy territory! As the truth about the events on AIM Island come to light, the fallout from the Secret Avengers' attack continues! But what waits deep inside the chambers of the AIM High Council? And after the smoke clears, an old friend is laid to rest, while a new one joins the fray. Quake takes on Maria Hill, and everything rides on the outcome of their clash! And with the Avengers off-world, what will S.H.I.E.L.D. do when Thanos strikes? It's up to Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Agent Coulson and the Iron Patriot to face certain death and repel the invasion! But what's the deal with the newest member of the Secret Avengers? Collecting SECRET AVENGERS (2013) #6-11.

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  • Format:Trade Paperback
  • FOC Date:February 11, 2014
  • Price:$9.99
  • Page Count:138


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More Secret Avengers Vol. 2: Iliad (2014)

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