Ultimate Human (2008) #2
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Ultimate Human (2008) #2

Ultimate Human (2008) #2

  • Published

    February 20, 2008

Continuing the ultimate clash between Iron Man and the Hulk! The grey goliath is in full smash mode as he rampages through a Stark facility designed specifically to hold him-and all that stands between him and total destruction is the gleaming gladiator called Iron Man! Unfortunately, in the mad rush to stop the Hulk, Tony Stark has jumped into a suit of armor that happens to have no weapons systems! That's bad news for Tony-and worse news for the world! The dream team of writer Warren Ellis and artist Cary Nord unleash the no-holds-barred fight between machine and monster!
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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960606294-00211
  • Price:$1.99
  • Page Count:24


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