Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil (2009) #3

Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil (2009) #3

Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil (2009) #3

  • Published

    April 01, 2009

We already brought on the bad guys; now it's time to bring on the Blastaar! When Doom and his Masters of Evil head into space on a quest for the power cosmic, they encounter Blastaar, the Living Bomb-Burst, and his own plans for ultimate power, and it sure doesn't take long before they each find that space itself isn't big enough for the two of them! Will Doom be able to live up to his name, or will his dreams for conquest literally blow up around him?
All Ages ...$2.99

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  • Rating:ALL AGES
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960606711400311
  • Page Count:25

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