Spider-Island Spotlight (2005) #27
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Spider-Island Spotlight (2005) #27

Spider-Island Spotlight (2005) #27

  • Published

    July 20, 2011

How the Census missed a city full of eight million spider-people is beyond us - but now the word is out that Manhattan has been transformed into a veritable Spider-Island, and SPOTLIGHT is on hand to cover the big news! What does it mean for our hero that NYC is now a bustling burg full of people with powers just like his? Only Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos, they who ushered Spider-Man into the Big Time, have the answers! We'll check in with them, take an up-close look at Spidey's tenure as a member of Jonathan Hickman's FF and let loose our own amazing spider-people to deliver the goods on all things Peter Parker! Join us for SPIDER-ISLAND SPOTLIGHT, but bring your bug repellent!

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960605845-02711
  • FOC Date:July 06, 2011


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