Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation (1999) #1

Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation (1999) #1

Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation (1999) #1

  • Published

    June 01, 1999

It's bullet-flyin', bone-clawin' action as comics' deadliest duo unites, courtesy of Pat and Alvin Lee, the creative force behind the white-hot Darkminds! The Morlocks spoke the name Soteira in frightened whispers. She has been dead for ten years, yet her legend and legacy live on. Now, someone -- or something -- stirs beneath the concrete canyons of Manhattan, setting in motion a chain of events that draws together the feral X-Man known as Wolverine and the urban avenger called the Punisher! Logan and Frank Castle have had memorable adventures in the past -- now the stone-cold killers meet again, for the first time since the Punisher's shocking revamp! Plus: who is Revelation, and how will he or she give the world a new and deadly reason to fear mutants?

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960604754300111
  • Page Count:23

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