Heroes Reborn: Ashema (2000) #1
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Heroes Reborn: Ashema (2000) #1

Heroes Reborn: Ashema (2000) #1

  • Published

    January 01, 2000

She gave up godhood, having grown too close to humanity during her dealings with the mortal heroes who had been trapped in the imaginary universe. And as a result, that universe was left in her care. Ashema became its pillar, supporting the world through the power of her belief in its reality. But now something has gone wrong. Some malevolent force reaches out, determined to take her charge for its own, twisting and corrupting the very fabric of the land she seeks to protect. And she finds herself vulnerable. Hunted. Human. She needs a knight to do battle in her stead, one that can stand against the great powers of the Universe and emerge triumphant. There is such a man... but Ashema will find that the cure may prove far more deadly than the disease...

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:24


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More Heroes Reborn: Ashema (2000)

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