Venom (2018) #35
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Venom (2018) #35

Venom (2018) #35

  • Published

    June 16, 2021

The First Appearance of Dylan Brock as Venom! The Final Chapter in the Book of VENOM by Donny Cates & Ryan Stegman! This is it, Venomaniacs! The landmark 200th issue starring the most sinister symbiote in the Marvel Universe arrives - and after this, NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME! From Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, and a who's who of artists from the issues that tore Eddie Brock's life asunder and brought the KING IN BLACK to Earth, comes the first chapter of the rest of Venom's life. But in Knull's wake, what even remains of the Lethal Protector?

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