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Every Major Marvel Villain That Joined the Avengers

From Black Widow to Ultron, learn about all the villains who sought redemption on the Avengers.


Superstar Artist Mark Brooks Whimsically Depicts Marvel Icons in New Animated-Style Covers

Mark Brooks’ Animated-Style covers grace select Marvel comics starting in February.

Culture & Lifestyle

Take a Look Inside 'The Art of Marvel Studios' What If...?'

From interviews with the writers to concept art from the designers and animators, enjoy a special look at The Art of Marvel Studios' What If...? Available August 27, 2024.


Iron Man, Spider-Woman, Firestar, War Machine, & Ultron(?!) Assemble as the New West Coast Avengers

Check out new variant covers for Gerry Duggan and Danny Kim's 'West Coast Avengers' #1, on sale this November.